Arab conquest of Sindh:

(a) Reasons of Arab attack:
(i) Political: Arabian people were very desirous people and wanted to conquer India.

(ii) Economic: Arabian people wanted to plunder rich Indians and wanted all the Indian accumulated wealth.

(iii) Religious: Arabians wanted to preach Islam and wanted to stop idol worship.

(iv) Immediate cause: The Arabian ships had been plundered by the pirates of Debal. King Dahir refused to give its compensation. Hajaj sent his army twice which failed. In 712 A.D.
Muhammad bin Qasim was sent.

(v) Conquest of Debal: 25,000 soldiers of Muhammad bin Qasim fought with 4,000 soldiers of Debal. Muhammad destroyed the lucky charm tied on the red flag on the temple. He got success and he not only looted Debal but forced people to become Muslims.

(vi) Nirun and Sehwan: After that Niran and Sehwan were conquered without much effort.

(vii) Battle of Rewarth (June 712 A.D.): King Dahir along with 50,000 soldiers fought bravely with foreigners in Rewarth but in the end he lost the battle and was killed. His wife Ravi Bai committed suicide in the pyre.

(viii) Success of Brahmanawada: Muhammad now turned towards Brahminawada and he conquered it and defeated king Jaisingh. Suryadevi and Parmaldevi, beautiful daughters of Dahir were now captured by the enemy.

(ix) Defeat of Ellore: After defeating Fuji, Qasim won its capital Ellore.

(x) Invasion of Multan: In 1713 A.D. Muhammad turned towards Multan and won the rich provinces there.

(xi) Death of Muhammad: Qasim had started the preparation to win Kannauj and whole of
India. But suddenly the caliphs torchered him to death.


(b) Reasons of Dahirโ€™s defeat:
(i) Mutual rift: The society was divided into different groups on the basis of classes according to their occupation and they were jealous of one another. The Hindu kings
had imposed some conditions on followers of Buddhism.

(ii) Unpopularity of the rulers: People used to dislike the rulers who were incompetent and weak.

(iii) Poverty of Sindh: Because of infertile land Sindh was having very limited source of income. It was not rich province that it could defend itself from the enemies.

(iv) Separation of Sindh: Because of being is dated from other provinces, Sindh could not get help from other provinces.

(v) Superstitious behaviour of the people: The people used to believe more in superstitious power than their own power.

(vi) Incompetent command of Dahir: King Dahir was an incompetent commander who did
not take any step to stop the progress of enemies. He made many mistakes too.

(vii) The enthusiasm of Muslims towards their religion: Due to their religious passion, Muslims fought very bravely and enthusiastically.

(viii) Muhammad bin Qasimโ€™s leadership and his power: Muhammad was an experienced
man and was a good commander and with a perfect big, well equipped army. He himself was very brave.